Immigrants are crucial contributors to vibrant and prosperous communities across the Commonwealth. Immigrants make Massachusetts strong. As a community, we must stand strong with people who have Temporary Protected (TP) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, as well as with other individuals without documentation who are fighting for legal protections to live free and full lives in Massachusetts.

I will:

  • Support pathways to jobs, health care, education and citizenship, regardless of document status
  • Support providing drivers licenses for immigrants regardless of document status
  • Support in-state tuition for all Massachusetts high school graduates, regardless of document status or DACA eligibility
  • Support the Safe Communities Act, which protects Massachusetts law enforcement agencies from federal overreach into local decisions regarding community safety, and stops the diversion of scarce state and local tax dollars to federal responsibilities

Can you support the campaign today? Every dollar counts!