Mission Hill Leaders Endorse Nika Elugardo for Senate

A historic neighborhood known for a deep history of organizing, Mission Hill voices are backing Nika Elugardo, impressed with her record as their State Rep.

[Boston, MA, August 23, 2022] — Today, the Nika Elugardo campaign announced a slate of endorsements from influential community leaders, disability and elder advocates, and elected officials from the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston in her race for the Second Suffolk Senate District. Mission Hill leaders have highlighted the work Representative Elugardo has delivered for the neighborhood and will continue to deliver as State Senator, including her championing of successful affordable housing initiatives. The endorsers also have highlighted Nika’s commitment to residents and her fair-minded and genuine approach to making change at Beacon Hill. 

The full list of endorsers includes:

  • Boston City Councilor Kenzie Bok
  • Toniy Knight
  • Ron Bell
  • John Tobin
  • Ms. Pearl Clark
  • Ms. Matilda Drayton 
  • John Jackson 
  • Dermot Doyne
  • Rich Giordano and Maggie Cohn
  • Corinne Kelton
  • Pat Flaherty
  • Terrance Williams
  • Ward 10 Democratic Ward Committee

“I love my Mission Hill family. The soul of Mission Hill is all about transformational leadership and protest that produces action and change, and this is something I deeply resonate with. From nationally recognized models for housing to transit justice and activism, Mission Hill leaders have demanded a return on the investment of residents and have won those battles. This slate of Mission Hill leaders is representative of the power and passion for justice and effectiveness in this neighborhood and in the 2nd Suffolk District. I am deeply honored by their support and shared commitment to Boston’s leadership on justice, equity and opportunity for all!” said Elugardo.

“Nika is a housing champion, fighting for more affordable housing for all, and paying special attention to our public housing communities, which are too often neglected. Whether it’s youth jobs or mobility shuttle service or food access, our affordable housing residents come first with Nika. As her colleague representing Mission Hill at the City level, I love having Nika fighting for us at the State House. We need her in the State Senate,” says Bok.

“As a community organizer and political activist, I support Nika Elugardo for Massachusetts State Senate because she is the real deal. Nika comes to this election with clarity and integrity. Over my 30+ years working in politics, I have worked with many, many candidates and Nika is one of, if not the purest in her motivations and dedication to the communities she represents. The critical issues facing Black communities are those that she brings a real understanding of policy and true leadership to – life and death issues such as jobs, housing, health care, wealth disparity and correction system reform. Her solutions are strategic, practical and designed to build the participation and empowerment of her constituents. This has been my work for more than 30 years – civic engagement for everyone! Nika Elugardo is truly committed to that too,” says Bell.

“Nika is a powerhouse! I love and value her commitment to every neighbor, whether homeowner or tenant. My grandmother Hattie Kelton was a powerhouse black woman too. Nika has helped us to honor her in our community not only by naming a building after her but also in the important work of protecting and advocating for black homeowners. I can’t wait to see her in that Senate seat. She is a difference maker and a game changer for the City of Boston.” said Kelton.

“From the time NIka has been elected state representative in the Mission Hill area, she has been a real people person, always supportive, there when needed, and listening to her community’s concern and, if she could, always act on it,” said Ms. Clark.

“Nika has proven herself to be a real bridge builder. She is a policy wonk – and I say that as a compliment! Many of the bills she has sponsored focus on addressing the affordable housing crisis in our State, including allowing for local implementation of rent control or for the use of State-owned land resources to produce affordable housing. She has been a leader on transparency at the MBTA, healthcare equity, and economic development as we come out of the COVID pandemic. But she balances her policy work with necessary constituent services, whether it is working with local businesses in the Mission Hill Main Streets district or talking with seniors, she actively strives to understand the needs on the local and individual level and works with her constituents to come up with a collective response to address these needs,” says Flaherty.

“Nika is a fair-minded, faithful and accessible leader who has always been here for our youth in Mission Hill and beyond. She’s been here for the Tobin Community Center and our elders from Alice Taylor to Mission Main  to Mission Park. I know she’ll continue to deliver for every neighborhood in 2nd Suffolk just as she has for us,” said Jackson.

“I’m endorsing Nika because she is powerful, caring, passionate, hardworking, and she listens to the people. This is the Senator we need at the state house to fight for the people,” said Williams.

“Since the day she was first elected, Nika has been receptive to learning about our community and responsive to our needs. She has been especially supportive of the Mission Hill Link and has worked with residents of the Back of the Hill Apartments who have identified issues affecting mobility for seniors and people with disabilities, working to find solutions. She is really a friend of Mission Hill.” said Giordano and Cohn.

“Nika is a practical, smart and engaged leader, listener and friend of Mission Hill. I appreciate her creative problem solving at the legislature and her commitment to every single resident. She’ll make a great Senator, and I am looking forward to supporting her in this expanded role.” said Tobin.

These endorsements join an impressive list of endorsements for Nika Elugardo in her campaign for State Senate, including former mayor Kim Janey, civil rights activist Mel King, former City Councilor Tito Jackson, State Representative Russell Holmes, Register of Probate Felix D. Arroyo, Boston City Councilors Ricardo Arroyo and Kendra Lara, Jose Masso, Dr. Atyiah Martin, Marcia Kimm Jackson, Helena Tonge, Mimi Turchinetz, Angelina Camacho, Jaime Rodriguez and Tony Molina, JP Progressives and the Massachusetts Teachers Association.

For more information, visit www.electnika.com. For all press inquiries, please email isabel@nikaforsenate.com.


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